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Short CV


01/2020 - 06/2024 PhD position at the Institute of Philosophy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, as part of the project "How Far Does Reflective Equilibrium Take Us?" (subproject "Disagreement and Consensus", PI: Prof. Dr. Gregor Betz) 
04/2019 - 06/2020 Master of Education in Philosophy/Ethics and Physics at the University of Konstanz, graduated with honors
10/2015 - 12/2018 Master of Arts in Philosophy at the University of Konstanz, graduated with honours, thesis: "Accuracy for Probabilism?" (supervised by Prof. (em.) Dr. Wolfgang Spohn and Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller), VEUK award 2020 for outstanding degree in Philosophy
10/2012 - 10/2015 Bachelor of Science in Physics (major), Philosophy (minor) and Economics (minor) at the University of Konstanz, thesis: "Optimization of a New Laser Backscatter Sensor" (supervised by Prof. Dr. Gerd Ganteför and Dr. Michael Gausa)


“Overlapping consensus in pluralist societies: Simulating Rawlsian full reflective equilibrium”, Synthese 203(11), 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-023-04415-9.



“Einigkeit trotz Vielfalt?” (engl. “Unity despite diversity?”) at Junge Talente - Wissenschaft und Musik series in Karlsruhe, Germany.


“Rawls and Overlapping Consensus: Modeling Full Reflective Equilibrium”, at the Reflective Equilibrium 51 Years after “A Theory of Justice” conference in Bern, Switzerland.


“Two birds with one stone? Not when arguing for Bayesianism and Credal Veritism”, at the EPSA21 Conference Online in Turin, Italy.


“(Lack of) intuitions about the convexity of distance to truth: A problem for current accuracy-first epistemology”, at the 24th Oxford Graduate Philosophy Conference Online in Oxford, UK


"A general worry about the accuracy-first programme", at the Formal Philosophy Online Conference in Moscow, Russia


"A general worry about the accuracy-first programme", at the Bayesian Epistemology: Perspectives and Challenges Online Conference in Munich, Germany


"Coherence without coherentism: What's left and why it's worth it", at the New Methods for Applied Ethics Online Conference in Tübingen, Germany
09/18/2019 "Legitimate ways of measuring distance to truth", at the SOPhiA Conference in Salzburg, Austria
08/31/2019 "Decomposition and the Brier Score", at the Bayes By the Sea Conference in Ancona, Italy
08/01/2019 "Calibration in Accuracy for Probabilism?", at the Open Minds Conference in Manchester, UK
06/24/2019 "On Richard Pettigrew's latest accuracy-first argument for Probabilism", at the Logic Rulez?! Conference in Vienna, Austria